If you’re looking for new website promotion techniques to help you keep up with the moving target of digital marketing, try out these 4 techniques to achieve success.
With social recommendations now accounting for 25% of all consumer activity, the digital promotional landscape is changing rapidly. If you’ve made investments in real estate, you want to ensure that you see the growth you expected when you first laid your money down. One of the best ways to get a return is to increase your site promotion.
As search engine algorithms have gotten more robust, they can now figure out the intention of users who flub a search or struggle for the right term. Using keywords isn’t as simple as it used to be either. Search engines know where to look for spam and what accounts for a quality search result.
1. Add More Video Content
Across all of your social media profiles and on your website, you should add lots of media. With video soon to account for more than three-quarters of all internet traffic, your viewers will want to see images and videos.
Add short videos and images with text on all of your social profiles. Add backlinks to get viewers back to your site.
Walkthroughs are a great way to build hype and get folks interested in high return real estate rental property investment.
2. Write A Blog
Search engines love sites that post unique content with a lot of frequency. The best way to end up with lots of content is to start a blog.
Your blog posts can be shared on your social media profiles. As they get reposted, liked, and shared, you’ll build more brand authority for your company and see your search result rankings go up.
You’ll get more clickthroughs on your site as more people see that you’re the site that has the most information on high-quality properties. Check out our guide to creating the best content for the best SEO results.
3. Email Marketing Works
Well-designed emails still drive traffic to websites. If you’ve got a special deal, new properties, or have made changes to your company, tell your network about it. Add a link to your website where readers can find out more.
Use email marketing to turn your leads into sales. Direct them to your site where they can see what kinds of properties are available. Show off your latest investments and get viewers all with a well-designed email campaign.
4. Have Great Photographs
Hire a real estate photographer to take photos of everyone on your staff. Send them out to your properties to take high-quality professional photographs of what’s up for grabs.
Include your URL at the bottom as a watermark on each photo. Share the photos on social media and drive traffic back to your site. Great photos can do more promotional work than you could with text-based promotions.
Most Website Promotion Techniques Can Be Done For Nothing
If you have the equipment and the talent within your investment company, you could do most of this work in-house. The best promotion strategies can come from within the walls of your office since you know the company best.
If you’re looking for other ways to promote your business, contact us for more tips on how to get your name out there in a big way.