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8 Tips To Make Your Phone Repair Business’s Social Media Marketing Campaign Successful

by | Jan 5, 2018 | SEO | 0 comments

Social Media Marketing


Your social media marketing campaign could start a rave for your business. In fact, 71 percent of customers would recommend your business to other people if they had a good social media experience with your brand.

Ignoring social media marketing can spell doom for your business. Here’s why.

According to WeAreSocial, the number of active internet users increased by a staggering 21 percent in 2016 alone. The trend is not looking to slow down anytime soon.

With 80 percent of internet users owning a smartphone, there’s market for mobile phone repair businesses, because accidents will happen. A shattered screen or some liquid spill is all it takes to send a mobile device to the repair shop. You have to make sure that stop is yours.

Your customers are online searching for solutions you offer. You can choose automation on Instagram and other social media sites but still you have to show up; that is, your social media marketing campaign must be top-notch to win their attention.

Let’s show you how.

1. Set Your Social Media Marketing Campaign Goals

You need to have a focus. Your goals sort that problem. Your goals should be specific, and they should have deadlines – realistic deadlines.

If your business is just starting out its social media marketing campaign, you need to ask yourself these questions. They will serve as a guide to help you plot your goals.

How big do I want to go? Do you want to operate on a small, medium or large scale?

How much time do I have to invest? The time you have before you begin to see results determines how aggressive your campaign should be.

How much do I have to invest? Campaigns that you spend money on would get you faster results. Sometimes it is also better than depending on organic methods only.

Answering the above questions will guide you while setting your goals. It will also force you to consider as many options as possible to use in your campaign.

2. Learn The Habits of Your Potential Customers

If you must appeal to your customers, you have to study them first. Collecting important customer demographics gives you an idea of their behaviors and habits.

For your business, it is important to know how your potential clients look for you. You do this by creating a simple customer persona.

A customer persona is a detailed description of your customer. It captures only the important metrics as they relate to your business.

For a potential customer seeking to repair their phone, a working customer persona will capture the following details:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Earning power
  • Device specifications
  • Most used social media platform

By plotting your potential customer’s persona, you will feel like you already know them. That way the moment, they walk into your store, you know how best to serve them.

You may decide to thrill them.

They’d thank you, knowing you have their best interest at heart.

3. Decide Which Social Media Platforms to Leverage

If you have conducted a thorough customer understudy, then this decision is simple.

Your demographics must show the social media habits of your potential buyer. These include:

  • The social media platform they use most
  • How often they use it
  • How they use it to search for your business

The goal of selecting your social media platform is to connect with them. But you must have a well-designed website. This website is the home of your business. It is where you outline your services and also, show your expertise.

For your phone business, you should consider using forums. Forums provide a friendly environment for your target customers to ask their questions.

They go there to seek solutions for their gadget problems. This gives you the chance to answer their questions and sell your services at once. Other platforms such as Instagram and Facebook should also be part of your campaign too.

4. Create a Social Media Content Calendar

A calendar serves a pivotal purpose to your social media marketing campaign.

It tells you what you have to do and when you have to do it. In fact, before you begin to post you must have scheduled a month’s worth of content.

It is easy to lose sight of your goals or deviate from them if you don’t have a stable calendar structure. But ensure that your calendar activities are sensibly scheduled. To achieve this, here are some tips:

  • Never overload your workday with activities
  • Give yourself/team rest days
  • Cut down on how often you tweak your calendar
  • Review your calendar weekly

So, don’t overload your work days and it’s OK to have rest days from activities. Don’t tweak your calendar too often and review your calendar weekly.

5. Engage Your Audience Effectively

How does it feel talking to a wall?

Well, that’s how your customers feel when you ignore them on social media.

Refusing to engage your customers will not only reduce your revenue but will also ruin your phone business’s reputation.

Customer engagement means starting and following up a conversation with your customer. You will maintain this communication until you solve their problem. Creating valuable content is also a means to engage them. Respond to their queries as fast as possible. Also, attend to their complaints as thoroughly as you can.

6. Build Relationships with Influencers in Your Space

Influencers are those people and brands who are authorities in your niche. They are not hard to find. Chances are that they inspired you to start your business even.

An influencer is very powerful because they dictate the trend of the business. Your potential customer may not be able to afford their costly services. But they always listen to them.

You have to learn influencer marketing and use it too. Connect with your influencers on every social media platform you operate. Start valuable conversations with them and gain their recognition.

A single tweet of approval from them can send a stream of customers your way.

7. Don’t Reinvent the Wheel Follow The Trend

Many people make this mistake. They try to come up with a novel idea in a saturated business space.

Of course, some people are successful. But a lot aren’t. Don’t be part of that lot.

Follow the trend in the phone business niche. Look at what the big players are doing then try to replicate it. Learn how to write SEO articles and create trendy content.

You may not get the results they are getting. But you will get results. This is all that matters.

One day, you will understand the niche well enough to start trends. But until then, learn from the big winners.

8. Measure Your Progress

Your social media marketing campaign should be measurable. That is the point of setting a goal in the first place. Conversion rates, media reach, and popularity are ways to test your marketing efforts.

You must measure your progress. It is the only way to expose weak strategies. It also helps you track the performance of your options. There are many tools available for this. Google analytics is one of them.

Ensure that you correct any weak links and optimize your campaign.

Wrapping It Up

A social media marketing campaign is an absolute must for every business. It is also very useful for the phone repair business. Consistent and optimized content must form the core of this strategy.

If you prefer an expert to handle your content and SEO needs for your social media campaign, talk to us about our affordable SEO services.

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