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10 Beginner Web Design Tips to Make Your WordPress Site Look Professional

by | Jun 20, 2024 | Website Design, WordPress | 0 comments

WordPress Web Design Tips

We’ve all been there—you want to create a website that looks professional and modern, but you don’t know where to start.

But with these 10 essential tips for perfecting your WordPress web design, it doesn’t have to be so daunting.

From outlining clear navigation, selecting fonts, and creating quality content to optimizing permalinks and choosing the right images, we have everything you need to make an amazing website.

Join us as we explore the ins-and-outs of making a high-quality WordPress site that stands out from the crowd!

Key Takeaways

  • Usability and visual layout are important factors in web design.
  • Navigation menus should be short, simple, and descriptive while brand design standards should reflect style and message.
  • WordPress sites should be optimized for speed and mobile devices, and content should be easy to find and visually highlighted.
  • Recommended fonts include Arial, Georgia, Trebuchet, and Verdana, and third-party fonts can add variety to website design.

Articulate Your Concept

When it comes to web design, articulating your concept is key for creating a professional-looking site that stands out from the rest and captures your audience’s attention.

A WordPress site should be designed with usability, SEO, and branding in mind. This includes having an easy-to-use navigation menu which is short, simple, and descriptive. Furthermore, providing access to tutorials on web development and design can help users create a website that appeals to their specific audience needs.

Typography plays an important role in website design as well. Choosing fonts such as Arial, Georgia, Trebuchet, or Verdana can increase the readability of content while also adding variety to the visual layout of the page.

With regard to plugins, selecting ones that offer quality visuals and have been tested for performance are essential elements for perfecting the overall look of a WordPress site. Furthermore, taking advantage of white space and contrast will add balance and modernity to any page layout regardless of its purpose or content type.

In order to ensure that visitors get the most out of their experience when browsing through a website powered by WordPress, it’s important to pay close attention to every aspect of the design process – from optimizing permalinks for SEO purposes all the way up until ensuring compatibility across multiple devices. Doing so will not only make sure that visitors come back but also help build trust between them and the brand itself over time.

Outline Clear Navigation

Creating a clear navigation structure is key to making your website look professional and easy to navigate. WordPress websites should have logical menus with categories that are short, simple, and descriptive.

Navigation menus should be organized in a way that helps users quickly find the information they’re looking for. The best plugins for creating navigation menus include:

  • Menu Plugins – Menu plugins like Max Mega Menu and WP Nav Plus make it easy to create and manage complex navigational structures. They also allow you to customize the look of your menus with colors, fonts, images, and more.
  • Drop-Down Menus – Drop-down menus help keep your site’s navigation clean by keeping multiple pages hidden until someone clicks on them. This makes navigating through multiple levels of content quick and easy for visitors. Popular drop-down menu plugins include UberMenu and Responsive Select Menu.
  • Breadcrumb Trails – Breadcrumb trails are useful for helping people understand their current position within the website hierarchy while giving them an easy way to go back up one or more levels if needed. Popular breadcrumb trail plugins include Breadcrumb NavXT and Yoast SEO Breadcrumbs.

When creating a site navigation structure, it’s important to consider user experience (UX) as well as SEO best practices so that search engines can crawl your pages properly without any issues. It’s also important to regularly review the structure of your website navigation system in order to ensure it is up-to-date with modern web design standards and meets user needs effectively.

Choose Fonts Wisely

Choosing the right fonts for your site can make all the difference to its overall look and feel. A good example of this is how the New York Times website uses a combination of Georgia, Trebuchet, and Verdana fonts to create a modern and inviting atmosphere.

To customize your WordPress font selection, you can either use built-in themes or utilize third-party fonts from sites such as Google Fonts or Adobe Fonts. When selecting fonts, be sure to keep usability in mind; choose user-friendly options that are easy to read on any device.

It’s also important to optimize your font choices; having too many different types of typefaces can be distracting so it’s best to stick with two or three maximum. Additionally, you should consider pairing complementary font styles together (e.g., sans serif with serif) for an attractive contrast that will enhance the overall look of your site.

With some creativity and experimentation, you’ll soon have a professional-looking site that will capture attention and draw visitors in!

Define Color Scheme

Defining the right color scheme can give your WordPress site a powerful and engaging look. It’s an essential part of creating an effective website design, especially for beginner web designers who are trying to figure out how to create a professional-looking website.

Color plays an important role in user experience, and it’s important to understand how it affects the overall design of your website. Choosing colors that work well together is key to creating an aesthetically pleasing design that visitors will find appealing.

When selecting colors for your WordPress site, consider both your functionality needs and desired aesthetic appeal. Beginners should focus on using primary colors such as red, blue, green, yellow, orange, or purple. Consider incorporating secondary colors like black or gray for contrast and texture. Playing around with different combinations can help you achieve the desired look and feel of your website design.

Keep in mind that too many hues can make a page appear busy, which may be overwhelming for visitors – aim to use no more than three or four colors per page when possible.

It’s also important to think about how color impacts user experience when designing a website with WordPress themes or plugins. Not only does it affect aesthetics, but it also helps guide visitors through the navigation process by providing cues on where they should click next. Utilizing strong contrasting hues like complementary colors is one way of making sure elements stand out from one another while keeping them easy on the eyes at the same time.

With careful planning and experimentation, defining a good color scheme can help elevate your WordPress site from amateurish to a professional-looking one in no time!

Select Quality Images for Your WordPress Website

Selecting quality images for your site can help draw visitors in and create an impact. It’s important to keep in mind the website builder you’re using, whether it’s a premium theme or customized from scratch, as this will determine the type of images that can be used.

Here are some tips to remember when selecting images for your website:

  • Utilize high-quality and visually appealing images that fit with the overall design of the site.
  • Be mindful about copyright; make sure all images used on your site are properly credited and licensed.
  • Optimize images for search engine optimization (SEO) by adding descriptive titles, alt text, and captions.

Taking action on these points can make a huge difference in how professional your website looks and how well it performs online. The right image selection combined with strong branding elements will set you apart from competitors and give visitors a unique online experience they won’t forget.

Keep in mind that even small changes, such as optimizing image sizes or adding relevant captions, can lead to big results. So take advantage of these opportunities to refine your web design.

Allow White Space

We know how important it is to make your WordPress web design look professional and polished. One of the essential elements that can help you achieve this goal is white space.

Adding white space to your site can help create balance and give it a modern feel. It also helps draw attention to your content, making it easier for visitors to navigate the page, as well as for search engines to crawl your content.

When building a WordPress website, make sure you use a builder like Elementor or WPBakery that allows you to easily adjust margins and padding so you can add more white space around various elements on each page. This will help keep your content organized in an easy-to-read format while allowing plenty of breathing room on each page.

In addition, consider adding whitespace within text blocks by increasing line spacing between lines of text or paragraphs. Utilizing whitespace in this way will improve readability and provide a more visually appealing user experience for visitors when they view your website.

If done correctly, white space should be used strategically throughout the entirety of your web page design—from typography to images—to create an aesthetically pleasing layout that feels modern and inviting at the same time.

Creating SEO-friendly URLs is integral for professional web design, so be sure to optimize your permalinks! Permalinks are the URLs used to find specific content on a website. Optimizing these links helps with search engine optimization (SEO), and makes it easier for site visitors to find what they’re looking for.

WordPress plugins like Yoast SEO can help you create SEO-friendly permalinks more easily, or you can manually change the settings yourself in the WordPress dashboard. It’s important that your URLs are descriptive and include keywords related to the content, as this’ll make them look more professional and help search engines index your site more accurately.

To further improve the user experience of your website, consider adding scroll bars or sidebars with links to relevant content when visitors reach the bottom of each page. This’ll give users an easy way to access other pages without having to go back up and use the navigation menu again.

Additionally, using unique permalinks is a great way to make sure that all of your content stands out from competitors and looks even more professional in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Finally, it’s important not just that each page has its own unique URL but also that those URLs remain consistent over time – avoid making changes if possible! To ensure this consistency, make sure you regularly check all of your links and update any broken ones as soon as possible. Doing so’ll keep people coming back again and again while helping ensure a positive user experience throughout their journey on your site.

Create Quality Content

You need to create quality content to make your website look professional. Quality content means not only filling it with original and high-value material, but also making sure that it is readable and concise.

Here are a few ways you can help your site stand out across different platforms:

  • Use the inverted pyramid model when writing – start with the most important information first and then add more detail afterwards.
  • Make sure to include visuals such as images, videos, charts, or infographics to draw attention from readers.
  • Optimize your content for SEO by including relevant keywords in titles and headings.
  • Keep sentences short and use contractions for a more conversational tone.
  • Utilize storytelling techniques like anecdotes or case studies to engage readers further.

By implementing these tips into your content creation process, you’ll be able to craft engaging pieces that will help make your site look professional while also appealing to an audience which has a subconscious desire for innovation.

Include the Right Functionalities in Your WordPress Website Design

Including the right functionalities in your website is critical for a professional-looking site, even though it may seem intimidating. With WordPress, there are plugins and themes that offer a wide range of features to help you get the job done quickly and easily.

You should consider which features are must-haves and which ones will be nice-to-haves for your website design. It’s important to think about what your audience needs when deciding which functionalities to include. This can save time, money, and frustration down the line as you won’t have to keep going back to make modifications or improvements.

WordPress also offers block-based themes with built-in site editing that makes designing your website much easier than ever before. With these block editors, you can create a custom WordPress website without any coding knowledge required! Plus, they come with options for both free and premium templates so you can find one that fits within your budget while still providing all the necessary features for a professional look.

It’s also crucial to check how well all of these functionalities work together regularly. Take some time every few months or so to go through each page on your website and make sure everything looks good and runs smoothly across various devices and browsers. This will help ensure visitors have a positive experience no matter how they access your site, while making your site look more professional at the same time. Using responsive web design techniques will ensure your site displays nicely on any screen size.

Perform Regular Maintenance Tasks on Your WordPress Site

We all know that a professional-looking website is key to engaging visitors and keeping them coming back. Staying on top of regular maintenance tasks is key to keeping your website looking professional.

WordPress maintenance includes running through the checklist regularly to ensure that everything looks and functions as it should, checking for broken links, updating content periodically, and making sure plugins are up-to-date.

Another essential task is optimizing your page speed in order to keep visitors engaged and increase conversions. Page speed optimization can be achieved by properly compressing images, using caching tools, minimizing redirects, optimizing code structure, combining resources into bundles or minifying them and more.

It’s also important to make sure that your WordPress site is optimized for mobile devices since more people than ever are using their phones to access websites.

Finally, backing up your files should never be overlooked! Regular backups safeguard against data loss due to malware attacks or other unforeseen issues. Setting up an automated backup system helps ensure that you have access to the most recent version of your site in case of any emergency.

Frequently Asked Questions on WordPress Web Design Tips

How do I make sure my website is optimized for mobile devices?

We recommend optimizing your website for mobile devices with responsive design, using media queries and mobile-friendly content. Include images that are optimized for smaller screens, keep menus short and intuitive, and test your site regularly to ensure it looks great on all devices.

What are the best WordPress plugins to use?

We recommend using WordPress plugins such as Yoast SEO, Jetpack, and Elementor to optimize your website for speed, mobile devices, SEO performance, and design. These tools will help you create an innovative and engaging website.

What are the best practices for SEO?

We’re in the driver’s seat when it comes to SEO: crafting a well-oiled machine of keywords, meta tags and content that’ll soar to the top of search engine rankings. Like a master chef creating an innovative dish, we can tweak and refine our website design for maximum impact.

We make sure we’re using the correct copyright and licensing by researching the applicable laws, researching industry standards, and consulting with legal experts.

How do I make sure my website is secure?

We ensure our website is secure by using strong passwords, implementing two-factor authentication, and regularly updating software. For example, we recently added security plugins to protect our WordPress site from malicious attacks.

Conclusion: WordPress Design Tips to Make a Site Look Professional

We’ve come to the end of our journey, and we hope you have a clearer idea on how to perfect your WordPress web design.

We understand that creating a successful website takes time and effort, but if you follow these tips and use the right resources, you’ll be well on your way to achieving success.

So don’t let the process drag on – get cracking so you can reap the rewards!

By taking it one step at a time, before long you’ll be shouting “Eureka”from the rooftops – after all, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

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